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Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

untuk teman (lama)

hey! apa kabar? baik? benarkah?
lama tidak bertemu, kau mulai sombong.
ingat dulu? ketika terakhir kita di sekolah dulu, kau bilang padaku untuk tidak sombong padaku ketika kita sudah tamat. lupa?
kau yang bicara, kau lupa?
kau marah? apa salahku?
hey, yang sombong mereka, kenapa kau menyalahkan aku?
aku hanya menyapamu, hanya "apa kabar?"
paling tidak kau bisa membalasnya. setidaknya hai.
tidak, tidak boleh, kau terlalu jauh melangkah, terlalu jauh untuk ku gapai.
maaf saja, bila kau membeciku, maaf  (apa salahku!?)
kenapa aku yng selalu minta maaf, kau juga punya salah. ini terlalu tidak adil.
haruskah kita begini?
oke, sekarang kita sudah terlalu berbeda.
bye bye..

Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013

kingyo sou by Yuki Fujitsuka

festifal musim semi..
ada suara yang menghapus kegelapan dan menggetarkan hatiku. getarannya itu membuatku, Hirayama Asuka, jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama. siapa sangka ternyata Imamura Masami, si pencipta getaran itu, tidak bisa menikmatinya. Dunia tanpa suara yang tak kupahami..
entah sejauh apa aku boleh memasukinya..

kingyo sou atau juga dikenal dengan judul Silent Love Song, bercerita tentang Hirayama Asuka yang menykai Imamura Masami sejak pertama dia melihat Masami yang sedang memainkan taiko di festifal musim semi, yang ternyata Masami tidak dapat mendengar.

ini adalah salah satu komik favoritku sampai sekarang. Cinta yang tulus itu yang ada di di komik ini. mereka bersama walau terlalu banyak perbedaan dan saling ketidak pengertian, tapi itu justru membuat mereka saling bersama. semoga suatu saat aku bisa menemukan seseorang yang baik dan tidak melihat kekuranganku saja, tapi juga kelebihanku :)


Hari ini, gue baca sebuah komik yang sangat mirip dengan keadaan gue sekarang. Ceritanya tentang seorang gadis yang merasa kesepian setelah seluruh penghuni kos-annya sedang tidak di rumah, dia hanya tinggal dengan kedua orangtuanya.
Sekarang, kakak gue sedang keluar kota untuk mengikuti tes. Baru dua hari, rasanya kayak ada yang hilang. Gue  menunggu, seolah-olah ada banyak orang yang gue tunggu, padahal hanya 1.
Bila dia berhasil, dia akan keluar dari rumah, mungkin lama-lama gue bakalan terbiasa, tetapi sekarang gue merasa kalau ini sangat berat.  Tapi tetap saja untuk masa depannnya semoga dia berhasil J

Hidup ini drama

walau orang bijak bilang hiduplah apa adanya dirimu. Dan aku mulai mencoba untuk hidup apa adanya, tapi kenyataanya ketika aku mulai untuk hidup apa adanya, orang-orang itu memperlihatkan bagaiman hidup dengan ber-drama ria.
aku mulai merasa tidak adil, mereka yang jahat, tapi berpura-pura baik hidup dengan baik. Dan orang yang hidup apa adanya malah dibenci.
Ya, apa adanya terkadang tidak terlalu baik, ada saat dimana kita harus apa adanya. cobalah untuk hidup dengan bermuka dua.
orang-orang bermuka dua itu hidup sangat baik, terkadang memang rtidak adil. tapi waktu akan memperlihatkan seerti apa orang itu. kalau tidak di dunia maka di akhirat nanti pasti semuanya terungkap.


Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

Romeo and Juliet

Once upon a time, there lived in Verona two great families named Montague and Capulet. They were  both rich but the two families were sworn enemies.
One day, at Capulets’ ball, a young Montague named Romeo, unexpectedly came.  Although he wore a black mask over his eyes and nose, everyone could see him by his mouth and his hair that he was twelve times handsomer than anyone else in the room.
While wandering in the party Romeo bumped into a lady. He looked at his fair lady, as she moved in the dance in her white satin and pearls and all the world seemed vain and worthless to him compared with her. Romeo made his way to the fair lady, and told her in sweet words that he love her. Just then, Romeo found out that the lady on whom he had set his heart’s hopes was Juliet, the daughter of Lord Capulet, his sworn foe.
On the other hand
Juliet                :  Who is that gentleman that would not dance?
Nursemaid       : His name is Romeo, a Montague, the only son of your great enemy.

After the ball, romeo sneaked into the capulets’ courtyard and overheard Juliet on her balcony vowing her love to him in spite of her family’s hatred of the Montagues. Then Romeo made himself known to her and they agreed to be married. With the help of Friar Laurence, who hoped to reconcile the two families through their children’s union, they were secretly married the next day.
But on the same day, a dreadful thing happened. Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, incensed that Romeo had sneaked into the Capulet ball , challenged him to a duel. Romeo, now considering Tybalt his kinsman, refused to fight. However, Romeo’s friend, Mercutio, was offended by Tybalt’s insolence and accepted the duel on Romeo’s behalf. Mercutio ended up fatally wounded after the fight. Grief-stricken and wracked with guilt Romeo confronted and slayed Tybalt.
Now juliet’s father, who had no idea that she was married, wished her to wed a gentleman named Paris. At the same day, Juliet hurried away to ask Friar Laurence what she should do.
Friar Laurence :  I will give you potion that will make you seem to be dead for two days. Then when they take you to church, it be will to bury you, and not to marry you. I will send a messenger to inform Romeo of the plan, but your family will put you in the vault thinking  you are dead. Before you wake up, Romeo and I will be there to take care of you. Will you do this, or are you afraid?
Juliet                :  I will do it, talk not to me of fear!

In the meantime, Lord Capulet was very much pleased to get his own way, and set about inviting his friend and getting the weeding feast ready. Early in the morning, the nursemaid came to Juliet’s room to dress her for her wedding. When the nursemaid discovered Juliet apparently dead, she cried out immediately.
the nursemaid  : Allas! Allas! Help! Help! My lady’s dead! Help!
Lady Capulet came running in, and then Lord Capulet, and Lord Paris, the bridegroom. Juliet looked cold, white, and fireless, and all their weeping could not wake her. It was a burying that day instead of a marrying.
Unfortunately, the messenger did not reach Romeo and instead he learned of Juliet’s apparent death from his servant, Balthasar.
Romeo             : Is it so? (cry) Then I will lie by Juliet’s side tonight

He bought himself a poison, and went straight back to Capulet crypt. There, he encountered Paris who had come to mourn Juliet privately. Believing Romeo to be a vandal, Paris confronted him and, in the ensuing battle, Romeo killed Paris. Still believing Juliet to be dead, Romeo kneeled by Juliet and drank the poison. He died beside his sweetheart and wife.
 Not long after that, poor Juliet woke uot of her sleep to find her husband and her friend both dead beside her. She saw the cup that had held the poison, and knew how all had happened, and since no poison was left for her, she drew her Romeo’s dagger and thrust it through her heart—and so, falling with her head on her Romeo’s breast, she died